2) But if you want some new hatch designs then follow these steps: 3) Go to your chrome and search ‘AutoCAD hatch download free’. How to add Hatch patterns to AutoCAD? 1) We have already many free hatch patterns in the AutoCAD like Brick hatch, Wood hatch, Grass hatch, concrete hatch, sand hatch, tile hatch, crosshatch, etc., we can use them. I also suggest downloading Blocks of trees and Italian furniture. All AutoCAD drawings are presented in different projections and in real size. In our DWG file you will find high-quality drawings for yourself.

Our 900 free Autocad hatch patterns drawing file will complement your project. We have over 300 free AutoCAD architectural hatch patterns to choose from, ideal for those specialist CAD jobs needing custom designs. CAD hatch library, hundreds of FREE AutoCAD hatch patterns, the collection includes wood, brickwork,stone and stonework.